
This guide contains the James P. Boyce Library's policies for the circulation of items, fines, Interlibrary Loan, and facility use.

General Loans

Patron TypeInitial LoanRenews ForRenewal #Max ItemsOverdue Fee Per DayItem Max Overdue FeeMax Account Balance
Alumni3 weeks3 days1510$1$50$0
SWI | Undergrad | Masters | Employee | Staff3 weeks3 days15100$1$50$15
Doctoral | ThM | Adjunct | Faculty3 weeks3 days15100$1$50$15
Loan times apply to standard book loans.  Inter-Library Loan and other items are subject to different circulation policies (see below).

Special Collections Loans

All patrons receive the same loans for these items:

Item TypeLoan PeriodRenewalsOverdue Fee Per DayMaximum Overdue Fine Per Item
InterLibrary LoansSet by Lending Libraries0,
Email ill@sbts.edu
1 day, in-house use0$5$50
Course Reserves2 hours350 cents/hour$50
CD-ROMsuntil end-of-day, in-house use0$5$50
The following do not circulate:
LP records
Tape media (cassettes, tape reels, microfilm etc.)


  • After your initial loan period, items automatically renew every three days until they reach the maximum number of renewals. Patrons should NOT manually renew their items as it could interfere with the maximum number of autorenewals available to you. 
  • When you receive an email notification saying your item(s) are now due, you have either reached your renewal limit or another patron has placed a hold on that item.
  • You have one week from the due date in the email notification to return the item(s) without penalty.  Exceptions to this rule are items with loan times less than a week (see below).


Library notifications (due dates, overdue notices, etc.) are sent via email to your address on-file. Student, employee, and alumni email addresses are inherited from the institutional record—which Library staff cannot alter.

Loan Returns

During operating hours, items may be returned through the book-drop located at the Library’s wheelchair-accessible entrance or at the Circulation Desk inside.

Alternatively, you may mail them to:

SBTS Library
Attn: Circulation
2825 Lexington Rd.
Louisville, KY 40206-2997

  • You are responsible for the postage and safe return of all books.
  • You are responsible for lost and damaged items and subject to replacement and processing fees.
  • Items will be considered returned according to the date they are postmarked.
  • It is recommended that you insure and track your package.

Lost Items

If you lose an item, you will be charged the replacement cost or $50 (whichever is greater) in addition to a processing fee of $20 per item.

Library bookshelves

Circulation Desk

Phone: (502) 897-4713
Email: circulation@sbts.edu

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-10:00pm
Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday, 11:00am-5:00pm

SBTS or government-issued ID required to enter.