Contact Information

Contact Form

Department Phone List

DepartmentPhone Number
Main / Circulation502-897-4713
Archives and Special Collections502-897-4573
Interlibrary Loan502-897-4553
Reference Desk502-897-4572
Systems and Technology502-897-4127
Technical Services (Cataloging and Acquisitions)502-897-4096

Staff Contact Information

TitleStaff Member
Seminary LibrarianC. Berry Driver, Jr.
Associate Seminary LibrarianLaura Strickland
ArchivistAdam Winters
Circulation CoordinatorGus Chaydez
Director of Library TechnologyVictoria Arledge
Director of Technical ServicesJeanne Kennedy
Interlibrary Loan and Distance Education CoordinatorEmilee Shabel



Your Question

We don't see the screen you're looking at, so please include any pertinent URLs (PermaLinks work best).

Library Hours

Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-10:00pm
Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday, 11:00am-5:00pm

SBTS or government-issued ID required to enter.